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People's Power Party

Quality Life for all Singaporeans


Our Vision:

Quality Life For All Singaporeans

The core vision of People's Power Party is to provide a quality life for all Singaporeans.

Learn About Our Policies


We believe the political power that governs this Nation belongs to the People of Singapore.



Policy Opinion


Reiteration For The Ministry Of Health To Exercise Caution for COVID-19 Vaccination – June 2024

People’s Power Party Reiterates Its Call For The Ministry Of Health To Exercise Caution Before Continuing COVID-19 Vaccination People’s Power Party (PPP) expresses utter disappointment about the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s outright rejection of its call for a temporary suspension of the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines in order to conduct a thorough review...

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Policy Opinion


Immediate Pause of Distribution of COVID Vaccines – Press Statement May 2024

People’s Power Party Urges Ministry of Health to Temporarily Suspend COVID-19 Vaccines Amid Rising Concerns of Vaccine-Related Injuries People’s Power Party is calling on the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) to temporarily suspend the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.

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Policy Opinion


COE, Public Transport, Water, Electricity Hikes and Carbon Tax – Cost of Living Concerns 2024

Inflation, often touted as the “silent thief,” erodes the purchasing power of citizens, particularly affecting the vulnerable sections of our society. While global economic trends can influence inflation rates, the governance of a nation also plays a pivotal role in controlling or exacerbating the situation.

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Housing Policy

Policy Proposal

Having a roof over our heads is one of the most important basic needs as citizens. Our Public Housing Policy has evolved over time but the basic fundamentals should not deviate too much from its initial policy objectives. Land Acquisition Act 1966 While Public Housing Policy (under Singapore Improvement Trust SIT) was first started by...

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Population Policy

Policy Proposal

Singapore has achieved tremendous economic growth and development since the country’s independence in 1965. Over the past decades, our population size has grown drastically by both natural growth and immigrants from various countries of origin, making Singapore one of the most densely populated countries in the world. We are a country of limited land and...

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Cost of Living Policy

Policy Proposal

Singapore was again ranked as the world’s most expensive city to live in, according to a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) released in November 2023. While the PAP government argued that the EIU survey’s design might not accurately reflect the actual cost of living for Singaporeans, let’s examine Singapore’s inflation situation by looking...

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BGS appoints Andrew Kim as Board Director

AGIAI Science Journal
November 2035

Therapeutics Giant Announces Collaboration With San Francisco’s BGS

Biotech Frontier Review
May 2035

There’s a New Kid in Town, Changing the Face of Genetic Engineering.

IBRM Magazine
March 2035

Press - Latest News


What We Stand For

Unity, Stability, Continuity and Sustainability

The Party firmly believes that democracy provides the necessary balance of powers needed for the long term stability of Singapore.

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Our diverse team consists of political veterans, individuals with civil service backgrounds, entrepreneurs, small medium enterprise owners, sole proprietors and PMETs.

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